Many years in the future after the exploits of Yugi Mutou, Domino City has become a shadow of its former self: Neo Domino City. There lies a strong divide between the rich and the poor, and bridging that gap proves to be difficult. Neo Domino seems fit to entertain itself with a wild new event called "Riding Duels", the newest form of playing the ever popular Duel Monsters card game. Enter Yusei Fudou, a young man who lives on the edge of the law, making his own rules. His desire to reclaim what is rightly his from an old friend turns into much more than what he and many of his newfound companions called "Signers" would have ever bargained for.
Written by Ayutari on November 25, 2010 at 12:15 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 3
Dialogue: 4
Animation: 4
Entertainment: 4
Like all the of the other series before this, it once again revolves around the card game. At the beginning before I started to watch I thought it was going to be stupid (like a lot of other people because "I mean dueling on mortorcycles? What kind of joke is that?" was what I first thought). Though, once a friend of mine used one of the newer cards in the series in a game I thought I would try it out. I have to say I wasn't disappointed. The overall animation is better than the first two, and the story line is pretty decent. There are quite a few entertaining moments and it knows how to keep you hooked (not all episodes). Though like GX, or more so, I prefer the Jap. voice arctors more so than the Eng.